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TugasRacing at JustRace!
JustRace: A 100% free platform created by sim fans for sim fans!
The JustRace systems promote and encourage fair and competitive racing. 100% Free for Drivers and Communities with no adverts! Simply choose your favourite sim, track and car and get racing.
We're sim-racing enthusiast so feel free to get in touch if you have questions. For the most rapid response please contact a "JustRace Founder" via Discord.
Communities On JustRace

[BRS] - Baltic Racing Server
Baltic Racing Baltic Racing

[IT] Zena Racing
ASM2 Fun Races only FAIR RACERSFor a correct test is important race fairly and use respcet for the others drivers.

[RMX] RacemaniaX
a competition and public server orientated community for rFactor2 and ACC[RMX] RacemaniaX is a nice community of racing enthusiasts, enjoying good clean racing.
Our focus is on race series and endurance racing using rFactor2 and ACC.
Additionaly we are providing public server for ACC and rFactor 2
The community from sim racers for sim racers
Our dedicated server are based in Germany in a top of the art Tier 4 data centre.
Join us on Discord https://discord.gg/4EYyygpSna accept our rules and be a valued member

10K Racing
Race We Do We Race Cars......... On Race Tracks................ Yeah

Race Fast, Race CleanWelcome to the 10Tenths Racing Community
Race 1
Race 2
10 minute Qualifier20 minute Race

Comunidade privada para Automobilista 2Comunidade privada para Automobilista 2

we are pro dirver we are pro dirver

Ace of Speed
The Esports Racing Community Welcome to ACE-OF-SPEED.COM

Actrollvision Community RacingServers for Actrollvision Community Racing Leagues

Adictos al Gas
Carreras online

ADR SIM RACING PROJECT organize for fun and championships! Join us Today!ADR SIMRACING PROJECT was born from the idea of grouping together new and old drivers dedicated to sim racing, seeking the desire to feel good together both on and off the track.

AIM XR - Social Gaming
AIM XR Players' Racing Group AIM XR Players' Racing Group

Alien GT Racing
Community built on virtual sim racing... for fun! Community built on virtual sim racing.

All Sim Racing Team
Team de simracing francophone. Nous utilisons RF2, ACC, AC, AMS2Team Francophone de simracing

Alpha racing team
Alpha racing team una community basta sul divertimento e rispetto. Alpha racing team una community nata da qualche anno con l'intenzione di fare divertire nel mondo del SIM Racing con eventi 4fun ogni settimana e campionati.

am2 custom champs
ams 2 custom champ with bros got a custom champ going if you wanna join remember ai fill out the grid on 110 difficulty for the time being

AM2 JP Endurance
AM2 AM2 Endurance Test Server

pilotos chilenos pilotos chilenos

AMS2 Lounge of the Americas
This server is dedicated to events scheduled for the time zones in the Americas. The AMERICAS AMS2 Events Serverg

The home of all things Automobilista. Our races are organised using the JustRace scheduler to give maximum reliability and lots of bonus statistics for racers. Come and join our friendly community on Discord for setups, help and chat.Our community has people from all over the world joining us for great racing throughout the week. We run friendly races, points scoring seasons and special monthly leagues using success ballast and grid penalties for maximum immersion!
Official Website:
- https://amsu.justrace.net
We use discord for chat, sharing setups and help. You can find all the details about events and much more.
- https://discordapp.com/invite/Pd2yuFb

Apex 76
Apex 76 Welcome

Apex Hunter Racing
Apex Hunter... Home of the Back Markers ;) Will follow after a first test...

Aramcon Official Racing
We are Aramcon Official Racing! Our location is worldwide and we invite everyone to join our community. Our motto is "We race as one". We focus mainly on Raceroom, Assetto Corsa and soon rfactor 2!Aramcon Official Racing ist eine weltweite Renngemeinschaft. Unter dem Motto "We race as one" laden wir alle ein, sich uns anzuschließen! Unsere Serien und Meisterschaften finden mit Stewards, Kommentatoren und vielen anderen Charakteren statt. Unsere Meisterschaften finden mit einem sauberen und klaren Regelwerk statt. Von Profis über Anfänger bis hin zu Anfängern haben wir ein gemischtes Fahrerfeld, in dem jeder Spaß hat! Fragen werden so schnell wie möglich und verständlich beantwortet, denn wir wollen jedem Fahrer helfen.

Arrive and Drive Short Races No Practice

AMS2 Freunde DE/AT/CH Herzlich willkommen bei unserer Automobilista 2 Simracing Community!

AUS/NZ Combined Racing League
Australian and New Zealand organised racing league established in 2016 ANZCRL host special events throughout the year along with series racing on Sunday nights.

AusEast Racing
AusEast Racing is dedicated to clean, fun and respectful racingCome be part of the fun, multi-race events as part of a weekly championship will be configured shortly.

Automobilista 2 Community Cup
Communities coming together for great racing in AMS2. Which community will take the cup?If your community is interested in taking part in the AMS2CC annual event then get in touch with J Turn on discord.
- Each community that is taking part fields a team of drivers (approx 3 to 5 drivers depending on track / number of teams taking part)
- Each community choose a combo to run
- All events are organised and run on JustRace servers
- Primary focus is a Team Championship with great racing, gentlemanly driving and waiting if you take some one out.... oh and having fun!
- There is a drivers championship
- 1 dropped / void event for each driver
- 1 race a month
- Timing of events is EU evening

Automobilista Australia
Automobilista2 Races for those of us that live upside down

Bagnet Racing
Bagnet racing for all your racing needs We are new, building a comminuty

BEAR Clan Racing
Weak. Is. Meat. Weak. Is. Meat.

BFR eSports - Be Fast Racing
BFR eSports - Comunidad Latinoamericana de SimRacing Comunidad creada por Pilotos Profesionales y de Alto Rendimiento, que buscan compartir su Pasión por el Automovilismo Virtual y Fomentar el Crecimiento de esta disciplina en la Región Latinoamericana.- RaceRoom

Comunity für die lokale wie online stattfindnende BHM Liebe Rennsport-Enthusiasten,Wir heißen euch herzlich willkommen zur Beverly Hills Meisterschaft Community, wo der Rennsport mehr als nur Wettbewerb ist - es ist eine Feier der Freundschaft und der Leidenschaft für schnelle Autos. In unserer Gemeinschaft geht es darum, die Faszination des Motorsports mit Gleichgesinnten zu teilen und unvergessliche Erlebnisse auf der Rennstrecke zu schaffen.
Unsere Rennen finden unregelmäßig statt, spontan und voller Überraschungen. Keine langweiligen Zeitpläne oder vorhersehbaren Ereignisse - stattdessen erleben wir die Aufregung des Unbekannten, wenn wir uns auf die nächste Herausforderung vorbereiten. Diese Unvorhersehbarkeit verleiht jedem Rennen eine einzigartige Spannung und macht jede Teilnahme zu einem unvergesslichen Abenteuer.
Was unsere Rennen so besonders macht, ist die Atmosphäre der Freundschaft und des Miteinanders. Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft von Menschen, die ihre Liebe zum Motorsport teilen und bereit sind, einander zu unterstützen und zu ermutigen, egal ob auf der Strecke oder daneben. Bei uns geht es nicht nur um den Sieg, sondern auch um die Freude am Fahren und das gemeinsame Erlebnis, das wir miteinander teilen.
Egal, ob ihr ein erfahrener Rennfahrer seid oder gerade erst anfangt, wir heißen euch herzlich willkommen. Unsere Rennen sind für alle zugänglich, unabhängig von Können oder Erfahrung. Hier zählt der Spaß am Fahren und die Freude am gemeinsamen Erlebnis.
Also schnappt euch eure besten Freunde, poliert eure Autos und seid bereit für die unvorhersehbaren, aufregenden Rennen der Beverly Hills Meisterschaft Community! Wir freuen uns darauf, euch auf der Strecke zu sehen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Das Team der Beverly Hills Meisterschaft Community

Blue Knob Racing
Nimbin Sim Racing Community Nimbin Sim Racing Community

AMS2 Ree

Broken Bones Simracing
BBS (Broken Bones Simracing) is aimed to be a fun community for simracers of different skill levels to enjoy. ACC is our main base for racing, with different splits in our GT3/GT4/class specific leagues, various special events and off-season races.BBS (Broken Bones Simracing) is aimed to be a fun community for simracers of different skill levels to enjoy. ACC is our main base for racing, with different splits in our GT3/GT4/class specific leagues, various special events and off-season races through simracing.gp
All information and news regarding our activities can be found on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/cdw8rJCH5k
Our Admins and community are always around at any time to help if you have any questions. We look forwards to welcoming you to our community where the racing is fun and competitive!

CALLDUCK SimRacing Server
This is the Automotiveista2 community of South Korea. 안녕하십니까. 서버관리자 노란부리오리입니다.

Can-Am SimSport
We are a North America time zone AMS2 community. We supported ranked racing, championships, and clean fun races. 6 races weekly! 3x weekly ams2 races in EST time zones.

Capivara Racing
comunidade de corridascomunidade de corridas

Chill Simracing
A fun and friendly environment with multiple series and championships runningA fun and friendly environment with multiple series and championships running. Sign up on SGP and join the discord for more info. Rookie and veteran drivers welcome!. In Project Cars 2 we do not require sign ups, Just arrive and drive if you have the time. We are currently running:
ACC - GT3 championship on Fridays
GT4 championship on Wednesdays
AC - MX5 CUP championship,
Classic F1 championship
Hot lap server
Pcars2 - Wheels of fortune series random track and car (WINTER BREAK)
AMS2 - Group C championship on Mondays starting January 2023

Circle of Squares
Circle of SquaresCircle of Squares

Classic Motorsport Hub
The #1 Historic Sim Racing Network!Classic Motorsport Hub is the most advanced racing organisation still mainly operating on rFactor 1. A switch to Automobilista is underway and AMS will complement our racing events beautifully, hence the registration with JustRace to manage events!
Classic Motorsport Hub was founded in late 2020 for lovers of all things historic racing - from Formula One, to Endurance Racing, Rallying, even back to pre-war Grand Prix racing, everything is possible at Classic Motorsport Hub!
Join the CMH Forum to take part in events: https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net

Classic Simracing International
A league for the lovers of all oldies ! We race F1 and GT cars from classic eras. Join us !

Races for the older sim-racer (50+) Club50 is a community for older sim-racers (typically 50+, some exceptions allowed).

CMG Racing
Established in January of 2021, Code,Music,Game [CMG] is an open, casual and very friendly server looking for people to relax and indulge in common interests!Established in January of 2021, Code,Music,Game [CMG] is an open, casual and very friendly server looking for people to relax and indulge in common interests! Focusing on, but not limited to anyone who’s interested in connection with other hobbyists (or professionals). We primarily showcase spaces to learn and practice Code. Learn, practice and share your music. Or just relax and play some video games! If you like our content, don’t forget to subscribe at the bottom of the page.

Communautè Automobiliste Internationale
Communautè Automobiliste Internationale (CAI) is a collaboration scheduling virtual events of their real life counterparts Over at CAi we schedule several virtual events based on their real life counterparts.Some of the events we schedule are:
- F1 2024 Season
And more to come in the future.....

Craig Sweeney Community Racing
Sim Racing Community for chilled out racing Sim Sweeney Community Racing

Creative Assembly
Corporate events for staff who work for Creative Assembly. Our events are NOT open to other racers.-

CYBE's racingPUB.org | drive-club
Du bist auf der Suche nach einer freundlichen, hilfsbereiten und deutschsprachigen Community mit Spaß, Spannung und Wettkampf?Dann bist Du bei uns richtig... have fun!racingpub.org | drive-club | german (sim)racing community
WENN DU auf der Suche nach einer freundlichen, hilfsbereiten und deutschsprachigen Community mit Spaß und Wettkampf bist, dann bist Du bei uns richtig.
Wir möchten echtes Racing in einer entspannten und gemütlichen Atmosphäre und dem Miteinander im Vordergrund bieten.
Melde dich bei uns. Komm auf unseren Discord, schau vorbei und sag "Hallo".
fahren in allen möglichen Sims & spielen alle möglichen Games. Bei uns ist
jeder der Spaß haben möchte, fair ist und sich benimmt herzlich
Worauf wartest Du? Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

cz-sk drift
vítejte čus je to drift server tak si to užijte a budu rád když se budete pripojovat tak užívejte G.

Testing / Backup ServerThis is a testing / backup server

Dan Wells Coaching
Coaching ServerCoaching

DDF Racer
Hello and welcome! I'm DDF Racer and I'm a sim racer. I drive virtual cars at virtual circuits whilst wearing a ridiculous virtual reality headset. But the racing itself? That's real.Make sure you subscribe to the DDF Racer YouTube channel for weekly sim racing live streams and videos. For more information on upcoming events and to get involved with the community, check out the DDF Racer Discord server.

RaceOfChin Series Short multi-class championships with AI

Drivers Of Culture
Welcome to Drivers Of Culture - a place for open minded simracers to live out their wildest racing fantasies!Welcome to Drivers Of Culture - a place for open minded simracers to live out their wildest racing fantasies!
DOC is a culmination of two earlier leagues called Flat Out GT Series and the F1 Timeline Trip. Over the course of the 2021 seasons in both series, we realised it would be best to join forces for the following season, to put together an even more special racing series. We present a roughly year-long calendar of carefully handpicked events that span a wide spectrum of racing disciplines and eras of motorsport. As long as it involves vehicles and roads to race them on, it's game on at DOC!
We consider ourselves a casual league, so while competition is absolutely a part of what goes on here - the ultimate point is to have a good laugh and a great time driving. With all the fun going on, we also have our resident motorsports history teacher @Gabriel Legnini enlightening us with fascinating historical facts relating to the races, a much appreciated tradition that started at the F1 Timeline Trip!

French community for dads into sim racing DSR - blablabla

DTMLigaIT Competition
RFactor 2 and ACC Championships lets you experience racing at a new level. Check out this site to Engage in dtm-onlineliga. Keep track of Virtual Motor Racing Championship news and updates. Rfactor Online Community lets you interact with racing enthuRFactor 2 and ACC Championships lets you experience racing at a new level. Check out this site to Engage in dtm-onlineliga. Keep track of Virtual Motor Racing Championship news and updates. Rfactor Online Community lets you interact with racing enthusiasts like yourself. Chat about your favorite racers and team news. This will keep you up to current. Take your love for racing up a notch by visiting online.

Esr Racing Club
Esr Racing Club Welcome to Eat Sleep Race (ESR).

Extreme Racing ZA
SIM Racing South AfricaSIM Racing fans in South Africa

F1 [Testing]
At the moment just testing around Just for testing

Falcon League Motorsport
We are the home of Automobilista 2 in Brazil EnglandDear drivers, enthusiasts, and racing aficionados,
Portuguese (Brazil)
Caros pilotos, entusiastas e apaixonados por corridas,

FAST Automobilismo Virtual - BRASIL
FAST é um grupo de amigos brasileiros. Se você corre limpo e com respeito, junte-se a nós! .

Just racing to get the xp Rotating maps - fixed raceday - no bitching

FNL1 eSports
We are a sim racing community based in Australia, New Zealand, and south east Asia region. Please join us for some league and casual racing.AusNZ SimRacing group is dedicated to connecting people who are enthusiastic about sim-racing. We also play some other games/sims on a casual basis. Our main goal is to bring likeminded individuals together for some FUN sim racing. We enjoy fast, fun, clean, mildly competitive racing and will not tolerate overly aggressive behavior. As the saying goes, "rubbing is racing" but please play fair. We are not competing for Sheep Stations! Most of our current members are based in Australia and New Zealand (and 'official' race times are based on local AUS/NZ time zones) but we WELCOME members from all over the world, if you are willing and able to deal with the time zone differences!
Join us for some serious fun!

FNR Racing
FNR Racing is a polish community where we insist to maintain good racing in good atmosphere. FNR Racing is a young community that initially focused on the ACC platform and eventually spread its wings in other directions.

A Closed Series for the FORCaR group An annual championship held for a group of friends.


FRO - Die Friesischen Rookies
Die friesischen Rookies - AC / ACC / AMS2 Einsteigerfreundlich, fair und für jeden Spaß zu haben. Das sind wir .....

Fun Races
Weekly 5 Lap Races Test

Funz area
Playing around with this Playing around with this

Just for fun This is just for fun online racces in ams1

Gentlemen Drivers
The Gentlemen Drivers

Get Real
GETREAL - Virtual Endurance Racing League Get Real

LA COMMUNITY ITALIAN DI AMICI CHE CORRONO SU AUTOMOBILISTA 2 La Community Italiana composta da AMICI che si divertono a gareggiare con AUTOMOBILISTA 2

Global Enduro
Global Enduro hosts a wide variety of races across different sims - with a focus on longer and multi-class endurance racesGlobal Enduro hosts a wide variety of races across different sims - with a focus on longer and multi-class endurance races

Global Racing Drivers Club
A community built different. Putting the driver back in control. Are you tired of losing safety rating because of that wannabe throwing it down the inside and taking people out? Followed then by the loss in SR from the automate system? Here are the Global Racing Drivers Club things are not just different they are done how they are if it was a real car you are racing on track.

Global Rally Fans RX
Global Rally Fans AMS2 RX server We are Global Rally Fans. A bunch of friendly rally and motorsport gamers with skill levels ranging from afterwork dad-racer to world record holder. We run championships in Dirt Rally 2.0 but are also active in WRC games, AC and others. It doesn`t matter if you are on PC, XBOX or Playstation, we welcome all racers.

Global EnduroGlobal Enduro

GOL test
Testing for GOL f1 Test comunity

Gaming group for old people. 30+ would be sufficiant. Scheduling races for fun .

Gonqshow Racing
This is a description....I think? This is a description......slightly longer

GotPants Rookies GotPants Rookies - private race series

Grand Prix Kingston FuryGrand Prix Kingston Fury Saison 2

Events run by GPLaps the YouTuber and lover of classic / historic Sim Racing.GPLaps is a YouTuber and lover of classic / historic Sim Racing. Check out his YouTube channel!

Gravel Trap Legends
Gravel Trap LegendsGravel Trap Legends

GrayDuck Racing
New Racing Community for fun. GrayDuck Racing is a community based out of Minnesota. We currently race on Iracing and are looking to new platforms to expand our league racing. Listing current schedule below (Currently run in Iracing, will be having sporadic events to test until 9.30.2023)

GRG eSports
GRG eSports is a North American based event hosting group - GRG eSports hosts events for Assetto Corsa, AMS2, iRacing and RaceRoom

Gryphonheart Open
A small group of (Dutch) racersA small group of (Dutch) racers

Hautzen Motorsport
Feierabend!! asadasdafdesfefwefasdfsdf

Historic Simracing Organisation
Historic Simracing Organisation - The Place To Be For Classic Sim Racing!Historic Simracing Organisation - The Place To Be For Classic Sim Racing!

HM Engineering
Home of Hardcore Sim RacingHome of Hardcore Sim Racing

Hornet Racing Team
Automobilista 2 Italian community Automobilista 2 Italian community

Janus Racing dedicated to the retro SIM racing. Janus Racing dedicated to the retro SIM racing.

KAKI Racing Team Carlet
KAKI Racing Team Carlet KAKI Racing Team Carlet

Kali Racers
Kel Kali Racers Kel Kali Racers

kapp server
Server en pruebas desde Asturies.Server en pruebas desde Asturies.
Requisitos para participar
Ser aceptado como participante por parte de la organización.
Contar con una copia legal del juego con el que se disputa la competición.
Disponer de todos los parches y actualizaciones disponibles para el juego.
En carreras con múltiples pilotos en pista, y si no se especifica lo contrario, haber realizado un mínimo de 10 vueltas válidas al circuito.

Kerb Clippers Sim Racing
We are an active simracing community since 2016, both on PlayStation and PC! Kerb Clippers began in 2016 out of a collapsing sim racing community called Matsuo Racing, which itself had sprung from the Project Cars Forum shortly after the original game launched back in 2015.

Wir testen Steine auf Ungereimtheiten Wir testen Steine auf Ungereimtheiten

KVEGAS Community Private Community

labandasimracing https://www.youtube.com/@LaBandaSimRacing

Late Night Racer
Friendly race on AMS2 and R3E in the night First test

Comunidade liga dga comunidade liga dga

Livsi Race Team
A community of race fans! A community of race fans!

LPR Racing
LPR Racing community pageThis is where I'll write the full description

Maximum Velocity Racing Community
Here at the MVRC we have a relaxed approach to daily racing!...

In the future a GT1 league in AMS2Not active yet! Stay tuned

Metz Hub
MetzHub simracing community MetzHub simracing community

Midlands Sim Racing UK
Sim racing enthusiasts based in the midlands of the UK Sim racing enthusiasts based in the midlands of the UK

MKB Racing Event 2025
Private AMS 2 event Private ams2 event

Friendly community, racing fairly and safely for fun. Newcomers welcomeFriendly community racing fairly and safely for fun. Newcomers welcome

More Freedom Sports Car
The More Freedom Sports Car Series The More Freedom Sports Car Series

MSRL International
We have a Sprintrace based League every Wednesday - Random Cars, Voted Tracks by drivers, no practice necessary so every Driver has the same chance to win! Our Sunday Events are based on real races where we recreate them as close as we can!In Early 2021 the MSRL International was formed. The Races are based on real Karting races by one of the Admins - KRRTDustin. Every Wednesday you can have the best possible experience in Automobilista 2 with close fights and a very exciting Race Format. The Cars are picked randomly just before the Server opens. So no Driver has to practice at all!

Mybroga eSports
AMS2 branch of the legendary Mybroga GPL leagueAMS2 branch of the legendary Mybroga GPL league

Testing for now Testing for now

Nanometer Racing Club
Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you've found a home among fellow sim racing aficionados. 🏁 Welcome to the Nanometer Racing Club! 🏁

Nemau Racing
Nemau Racing Team Discord : https://discord.gg/nFZw2ZC3

The Nerdlabor Community The Nerdlabor Community from the YouTube channel Nerdlabor.

NFR Team Simaracing welcome to NFR Team

NFX Testing Server TBC

Nitro Simracing Colombia
Nitro SimracingSomos un grupo de pilotos de simracing amantes de la velocidad que busca reunir una gran comunidad de compatriotas que comparten nuestra misma pasión. Nitro Simracing Colombia es el espacio virtual especializado en Assetto Corsa Competizione para PC donde todos podrán competir por la gloria!

Noba Racing Club
A Colombian simracing club for any driver! you are welcome to race with us anytime. Welcome to Noba Racing Club!Are you passionate about sim racing and looking for a friendly, competitive, and engaging community? Noba Racing Club is the perfect place for you!
We are a dedicated group of sim racers who love the thrill of motorsport, from intense battles on the track to perfecting every lap. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your sim racing journey, our club offers exciting races, fair competition, and a supportive environment to help you grow.
Join us to race in a variety of cars, tracks, and formats, with events tailored to challenge your skills and keep the adrenaline pumping. At Noba Racing Club, it’s all about the love of racing and creating unforgettable moments together.
Join the grid, race with us, and become part of our community today!

Nomads Racing Team
UK and Europe, clean friendly racing, newcomers welcome.We are a long standing team of clean friendly racers who have raced together for many years in numerous racing sims.
We are always looking for like minded clean racers to join us
Join us on discord for more info and signups HERE
All drivers in our League races are expected to be in Discord voice chat.

A community aimed at the beginner to intermediate level driver, providing a safe place to experience online racing We have over 1,000 members from all around the world, from first-time racers, to world-class experts who are happy to help anyone. We focus on fun and community, while levelling up your sim-racing. A great place to race & have fun, regardless of skill.

Nordschleife Addictz
Join me in my dedicated Nordschliefe server!Are you addicted to the Nordschliefe? Is it your favourite track? Join us and let's RACE!

4fun race, be a better driver, respect everyone Corridas para evoluir, se divertir e respeitar como um bom piloto

Octane Online Racing
Simracing in the Asia Pacific Region TBA

OcUK VR Sim Racing
Overclockers UK VR Sim Racing Sim racing group for the Overclockers UK community

Ol' Toothless Racer @ RDSR Community League
RDSR Community League is a community League for All levels of ability But we are designed to help people who want to engage in Sim Racing, Rookies, Slow Racers or people like me are physically disabled and/or suffer from mental illness!RDSR Community League
We're a fun-focused group that runs multiple races per month, or so we are hoping.
We try to help RDSR (R)ookies (D)isabled & (S)low (R)acers build up the confidence to take on the faster drivers without condemnation, derision, Micky taking or just plain nastiness.
Email us at Rdsrcommunityleague@gmail.com
RDSR is ALWAYS ALL about fun, over pure competitiveness. So, if you prefer a dominating win over lots of side-by-side action where everyone leaves their fellow drivers enough room and everyone does their best to avoid ruining another driver’s race, our events might/will not be for you.
With that in mind our general rules of engagement are:
1. ANY MEMBER found to be carrying out condemnation, derision, Micky taking or just plain nastiness or bullying of another/another member (s) whether they are fast racers Rookies, Disabled or Slow Racers there will be an enquiry and if the accusation is upheld the member will be removed/kicked/banned. This kind of action will not be tolerated AT ALL. 2. Keep it friendly. 3. No brake-checks! 4. No running someone out of track, even if they are on the outside of the corner exit or if you’re ahead. 5. No moving in the braking zone! 6. Respect blue flags: Be predictable and reduce speed to let faster cars by. If you want to unlap yourself, do so BUT you MUST NOT compromise the car's race that has lapped you, if you do, expect some sort of examination into your actions. 7. If you push another driver off the track and you bear some blame (front or side of your car was involved), wait for them to recover and let them in front of you again. 8. You must be in the designated Guilded/Discord Race Chat room with push to talk enabled. 9. Refrain from whining, ranting, debating, losing your cool, or generally being a downer on track or Discord. Everyone is doing their best, including me, your unpaid organisers are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. 10. Be courteous and respectful at all times. 11. Keep your posts on our Guilded/Discord “Safe for Work” in all respects. Anyone posting inappropriate content will be kicked! NO Other WARNINGS will Be issued. YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD! 12. We all speak different languages BUT only English is allowed (if you have something important to say in your own language use DMs) in open chat! ANY AND ALL Racist/sexist/vulgar language will not be tolerated, you may get one warning but don't count on it. Scammers, liars, spammers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the British Legal System. If you try to ruin community races on purpose or are not respecting admins and not obeying the simple rules we have, you will get kicked/banned! You have been warned! If you on purpose share videos that are meant to crash other people's discord/computer you will get kicked or banned! There will be no other warnings! If you want to know more, please contact Ol' Toothless(Chris) at rdsrcommunityleague@gmail.com
Thank you for your interest in Joining (R)ookies (D)isabled & (S)low (R)acers RDSR Community League for Sim Racing!

Old Engine
Groupe d'amis Coucou

𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐎𝐒𝐑-𝐈𝐈𝐏] è un gruppo creato per gareggiare fra amici 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐎𝐒𝐑-𝐈𝐈𝐏] è un gruppo creato per gareggiare fra amici con Per il puro piacere di stare insieme e divertirsi nel rispetto degli avversari e delle regole.

Online Sim Racing
OSR is an online sim racing league that holds weekly races over various disciplines of racing. We welcome new drivers and we are open to creating new series and concepts.Visit our discord for more information

Welcome to the Online Racing SuperLeague! We want to provide the most entertaining SimRacing imaginable, for drivers and viewers alike!Welcome to the Online Racing SuperLeague!
We want to provide the most entertaining SimRacing imaginable, for drivers and viewers alike!

OSG Old Skool Gamers
A community created for the older generation This community was created for the older relaxed casual generation, although, we welcome any age groups whatsoever. I've simraced since the very beginning really, going back to the early 90s, and I just wanted to race on a slower pace without the highend dedicated professionalism which comes with modern day simracing.

Old Turtles Motorsport Automobilista 2 communityOld Turtles Motorsport Automobilista 2 community. Discord server https://discord.gg/RC9RuYCw

For people who want fair racingSo you found us, excellent. We are a like minded group of adults (well sometimes) that enjoy on line racing. We are predominantly AMS2 and AC but some of us also like RF2 and other sims. We are a relaxed bunch who race hard but fair and open to all skill levels
One a Thursday night at about 4.30 pm we run our fun nights hosted by Matt, The Sim Racers Arms. Lobby is called Sim Racers Arms. The fun nights are just that, having a fun and great banter if you join us in Voice Channel A. The format of the fun night is 10min qually and a 10min race. We start the night with a car and track and then every subsequent race is done on what people would like. We start at 7pm and race until we are hungry, tired or have laughed so much we can not longer function (edited)
For our Championship events under the Championship Section, however there are two running at them moment held on a Monday and Friday (edited)
The general channel of for all sorts or general banter and we have other more specific channels for things like technical help, F1, hardware and other sim info
So please familiarize yourself with our channel and if you have any question just ask in the general chat

PetrolHead SimRacing
PetrolHead SimRacingWelcome to PetrolHead SimRacing
We are SimRacing Enthusiasts and we love to share our passion with other like minded individuals
We are dedicated to the Raceroom Racing Experience
You will find us online practicing or racing every day

Phoenix Racing Club
PRCPRC currently holds Club Races in AMS 2 every Thursday evening at 7:30PM UK time

Pit Stop
General Use Racing ServerGeneral Use Racing Server

Pitch Black
Only Fun Only for Fun

Pixelworld AMS2 AMS2 Server for League Races

Plebian Racing
We are an Asseto Corsa Based community. Our focus is shorter sprint races and clean racing. We run Asseto Corsa races in a 20-30 minute race format sometimes with reverse grid racing.

Fun events and championshipsFun events and who knows if more.

PR Racing League
PR Racing League PR Racing League

progetto G
Growing Through Sim Racing Giving an opportunity to grow as sim racers to Assetto Corsa and Asetto Corsa Competizione drivers

Project GT
AMS2 racing community in Russia and EuropeHello there! Join our Discord server.
Привет! Присоединяйся к нашему дискорд серверу.

Properly Nerding Around
Just a few friends nerding A small group of friends that like to race and talk nerdy from time to time

PSC Pitstopcrew
Racen Info´s folgen...


Welcome to PureGameplays where we do mini Championships races with the community PureGameplays

Racecraft Legends Leagueracing
We run League Racing on Mondays and Wednesdays, We welcome every Gentleman driverRCL enjoys multiplayer simracing and welcomes every gentleman driver to tryout the different championships

RaceCraft! Online
Daily evening time races for North America. We will run mostly AMS2 for now, but will try Asseto Corsa if there is demand for it.Hourly evening time races for North America and Western Europe. Once we get enough members to sustain regular racing there are long term plans to take best results from a week and calculate them into championship seasons. This is somewhat in the future so please help us get the word out!

RaceRoom French Racer
The French RaceRoom gentlemen driver The french RAceRoom Comunity

RaceRoom Sweden
A swedish RaceRoom CommunityHär diskuterar vi RaceRoom i allmänhet. men även mjukvara, hårdvara, bilar, inställningar och tävlingar.

Racing at JustRace
At JustRace we also host events on our own servers. Here you will find all our casual / fun races.Casual fun racing open to anyone. Ideal for improving both your JustRace rank and Safety Rating.

Racing Bears CUP

Racing Business
Casual racers, just doing casual racer things Group of mates racing and not taking it too seriously, it's just business.

Racing Force Portugal
UNLEASH THE SPEED, EMBRACE THE VICTORY RACING FORCE PORTUGAL, WHERE PRECISION MEETS PASSION Long Story short, we are a portuguese sim racing team who takes anyone.No Long Description, we rather leave our talk in the car

Racing RSA
Fun clean racing and practice Join for some practice and racing. keep it clean keep it fun

"We are Seriously Racing4Fun" - We are a Portuguese community, that share the common love for SIM Racing. We welcome all to join us and be part of our ever growing Family.Bem vindos à Família
Somos uma comunidade de amigos, que se juntam com o único propósito de diversão e passar um bom bocado, longe das preocupações e agitação do dia-a-dia e quotidiano.
Organizamos eventos e campeonatos aos quais são todos livres de participar. Utilizamos o JustRace como interface e ferramenta a controlar toda a logística das diferentes plataformas de simuladores aqui disponíveis. Apesar de fácil entendimento e manuseamento da interface, quaisquer possíveis dúvidas ou questões, exponham-nas na comunidade através do Discord ou, contactem-nos diretamente: geral@racing4fun.pt
» Como ter tudo pronto e operacional em menos de 2 minutos: vídeo

Comunidad Sim Racer que actualmente cumplimos 20 añitos! Tenemos competiciones gratis cada temporada, una comunidad de buena gente y siempre dispuesta a ayudar. Pásate a conocernos! Comunidad Sim Racer que actualmente cumplimos 20 añitos! Tenemos competiciones gratis cada temporada, una comunidad de buena gente y siempre dispuesta a ayudar. Pásate a conocernos!

Random Races
We welcome safe and considerate drivers, Years Young, Years Old welcome'. Focus is Mainly AMS2 WelcomeWe are here to bring together drivers that enjoy the fun factor, also knowing that most of us drive for the fun of it, in a considerate way

RC Simracing
RC Simracing Community JR-Testphase - aktuell nur ACRC Simracing Community
JR-Testphase - aktuell nur AC


Rebel Sim Racing
fun racing just having fun

RedBullshit Racing
A bunch of friends hanging out, come join us in the voice chat, it's open to all! The home of the Sunday Cup on AMS2; competitive or just chill racing, whether you're a beginner or a pro, you'll find someone to race with on here. We have it all, not to mention people won't go off the rail if mistakes are made.

Regular Racers
Corridas multiclasse Em Breve

Reiza Official
Official events run in partnership with JustRace Come and join Team Reiza for some official events! We've partnered with JustRace to provide you with great racing using their 100% free, no advert portal.

Remedie Simsports
Steering for Sanity Just a bunch of guys racing poorly on a Sunday night.

Retrolux Racing
Test racing communityTest racing community

A racing community for those who wish to have fun!

revue du Paddock
revue du paddock revue du paddock

Rewire Racing Club
Welcome to Rewire Racing Club! "Racing Together, Adapting Forever” ReWire Racing members start their engines on Wednesdays from 19:30 onwards.- Practice = 10 mins
- Quali = 15 mins
- Race = Minimum 10 Laps

rF2 4 Fun
We are a friendly community hosting different events We are a friendly community hosting different events

RKC Virtual
Grupo RKC VirtualGrupo de Automobilismo Virtual do Clube RKC - Rotary Kart Club

Drive At The LimitDrive At The Limit

RPM League
Welcome to RPM League. We are an Automobilista 2 league that has members from all over the world, who are here primarily to have fun and enjoy our passion for racing.Drivers of all skill levels and experience are welcome and all we ask is that you're a competent and fair driver and follow our driving standards.
We are an over 16 club and due to the mature text and voice content, language may be colourful, so bring a sense of humour although we do encourage Discord voice chat to get to know each other.

RPM Motorsport
RPM Motorsport for racing in AMS2 and Assetto Corsa Competizione RPM Motorsport founded September 2022, we race in Assetto Corsa Competizione starting as an Xbox Series X|S league before adding PC in 2023.

RR Sweden
Swedish Raceroom communitySwedish Raceroom community

RSL eSports
RSL is an online sim racing league and eSports community based in Norfolk, UK. We mainly run races in rFactor2 every Tuesday and Saturday evening from 20:00 UK Time.RSL is an online sim racing league and eSports community based in Norfolk, UK. We mainly run races in rFactor2 every Tuesday and Saturday evening from 20:00 UK Time.

Ready to be delated I hope it will not be a problem to delete it ^^'

Communautée francophone dédiée au Rallycross Communautée francophone dédiée au Rallycross

S.A.R.A. 2
S.A.R.A. 2 is an automobilista league Welcome to S.A.R.A. 2!!

Schmoke & a Pancake
Schmoke & a Pancake Work in progress

Senior Independent Racer
Senior Independent Racer Mit viel Spaß und einer ordentlichen Portion Humor veranstalten wir regelmäßig Rennen und andere Veranstaltungen mit RaceRoom Racing, Automobilista 2 und Assetto Corsa Competizione. Gefahren wird jeden Dienstag und jeden Freitag ab 19.00 Uhr auf dem SiR Server.

Sim Racing Lounge

Sim Sprint Series
Simracing since 2019 Hi there,Sim Sprint Series started out as a small F1 league in 2019. Since then we've grown up to be one of the biggest leagues in Poland, currently we are starting new seasons - also in AMS2

A Community for newcomers and casual sim racers Welcome to Nunamakerz Community Racing Events.

SimAddicts Online League
SimAddicts Online League Friendly Australian based league with AMS2 Series running Sunday nights and other ad-hoc events

SimDash Portuguese Sim Racing Community sponsored by SIMDASH and SPOT.

German Racing Team that loves Simulators Just getting started

SimProjects Racing
German ACC-Racing Team German ACC-Racing Team

SimRacing Buddies
Feel free to join us. Everybody is welcome! ;) tbc

Simsports Canada

Simuladores Brasil
Clube Simuladores BrasilClube Simuladores Brasil

test phase test phase

TestingTesting JRSM

Sir Independent Racer
Fun Racer Hallo

Slipstream AMS2ts

Slipstream Racing
Slipstream Racing is a welcoming sim racing group that hosts exciting AMS2 championships and events. We focus on clean, competitive racing for drivers of all skill levels, creating a fun and friendly community where everyone can enjoy the thrill of the track. Slipstream is a community of sim racers who love virtual motorsports. We have exciting league events and fun races for AMS2. Whether you’re a pro or just starting, Slipstream is a great place to race and have fun.

Chaos ist das leben Wir sind durchgeknallt

Spare Parts Garage
We are a small community of like minded Racers We are a small community of like minded Racers

Just testing Just Race Just testing Just Race

Steelcast27 Racing Network
The official racing server for Steelcast27!Make sure you subscribe to my channel for all your AMS2 needs

StopGo Racing StopGo Racing Test

Nightly casual serverNightly casual server serving the wromwrom community: https://www.youtube.com/wromwrom

Team Off Track Racing
Team OTR Team OTR on JustRace.net

Team OFR
Team OFR Team OFR

Temple of Twists
Just to do some runs This is just for me and you and you and you and you ....

The Crew Racing
The Crew Racing Española, formado por un pequeño grupo de aficionados al motor.En The Crew Racing hacemos Ligas y Carreras en especial en Automobilista 2, nos gustaria tener a mas gente para tener mas competividad.

The Gentlemens Lounge

The Italian Job
The Italian Job Sim Racing. Siamo una community con utenti attivi su ACC, Automobilista 2 ed Iracing su PC: organizziamo eventi 4Fun e Campionati dal pilota che ha appena acquistato un volante fino all'Alieno più smaliziato!The Italian Job Sim Racing, community italiana dedicata ai simulatori di guida. Siamo attivi su Assetto Corsa Competizione, Automobilista 2 ed Iracing con organizzazione di campionati e 4fun adatti a tutti i livelli. Organizziamo ufficialmente per ACI diversi campionati italiani, passa a trovarci su discord per tutte le informazioni a riguardo! Ti aspettiamo!

The Italian Job Sim Racing
Benvenuto nella community dedicata ad AMS2 di The Italian Job Sim Racing! Ti aspettiamo sul nostro server Discord per presentarci! Benvenuto nella Community The Italian Job SimRacing.

The Scros
Trying to larp the '98 Belgain GP every week To be filled in at a later date

The Sim Cafe
The Sim Cafe - All Welcome! The Sim Cafe - All Welcome!

THR - THRacing is a community of racers, which race vintage cars on historic tracks in Assetto Corsa.We race Grand Prix Legends, Touring Car Legends, GT Legends, Deutsche Rennsport Meisterschaft, DTM etc.
We offer, races, events and championship seasons.
To fit the community needs we have a website, a Facebook-Site, a Discord Server, a Shop, a Youtube Channel and of course several Assetto Corsa Servers.
More information can be found on our website: https://thracing.de/
Or via our main communication platform Discord: https://discord.gg/cjp2hGF
To get an overview > Here are our events so far: https://thracing.de/thr-events/
Feel free to join! We would love to see you on track with us!
Check out our Promo Video :

TK Arcade
Friendly, competitive community for rookies and amateurs. 🎮 Welcome to TK Arcade: Where Skills Meet Teamwork! 🎮

Tomy Racing Club
Club dedicado a carreras cortas en combos entretenidos Nos juntamos para disfrutar del simracing en pachangas.

is a community focused on Tourist Driving the Nordschleife in AMS2 where we cruise, hotlap & race eachother. We have a leaderboard & we run monthly 100 minute races (on hiatus).Welcome to Touristenfahrten
Touristenfahrten is a community focused on Tourist Driving the Nordschleife in AMS2 and pCars2. We cruise, hotlap and race eachother while respecting the road rules. We can help you learn the track and cars or how to setup your car so you can chase those precious seconds and improve your position in the leaderboards.
Because Touristenfahrten isn’t just about randomly hotlapping the Nordschleife, we run a monthly event to help grow the community closer.
(Currently on hiatus) These are 100 minute endurance races taking place on the last saturday of each month, on the 24h of Nürburgring layout, in AMS2. Voting and sign-ups are done on the Touristenfahrten discord.
Each event is put up to a vote between different cars and/or categories. The first two weeks of the month will usually be dedicated to voting, with sign-ups opening once the result is out.
What is the Touristenfahrten website?
The Touristenfahrten website is a simple presentation of the Automobilista 2 Servers Touristenfahrten AMS & KOW. Servers designed to provide a 24/7 track day event like the real Touristenfahrten at the Nürburgring Nordschleife.
The server was brought to life to continue m00lean's work on the Touristenfahrten#2 server for Project Cars 2. It is one of the most active servers where people meet in a relaxed environment to socialize and race against each other and the clock. That's the aim of this server as well. To achieve that the server is augmented by a bot that keeps track of lap times and enforces the rules. This website is used to display lap times and session information.
Valid lap times are logged and displayed both in ingame chat and on this website. Only the personal best laps are kept.
All data is updated once per minute.
Server details
- Touristenfahrten AMS: The Real Weather Simulator is for all cars except Karts and Open Wheelers; Session time: 12 Hours (Rotating start hour, Time x2); Date: Current day; Light Rubbered Track; Real Weather.
- Touristenfahrten KOW is for Karts and Open Wheelers ONLY; Session Time: 12 Hours (7am start); Date: 1-Aug-20; Medium Rubbered Track; Weather slots: Clear, Clear, Light Cloud, Light Rain.
- Touristenfahrten Monthly Endurance is a 100 minute race we run each last saturday of the month (in the server below). Check the discord to vote on the challenge of the month and sign up. Sign-up sheets can be viewed here.
- Rent-A-Server is a 10min Q/R server set to 14 drivers so any vehicle/track combo can be picked. If you set -selectds in AMS2's launch parameters, create your lobby ingame & then apply the settings to the RAS server in the lobby list.
Track Rules
- No Karts or Open Wheelers on TFAMS! Use TFKOW for those! The server will tell you in the chatbox if your selection is valid. Ignoring this rule will get you automatically kicked from the session. You will be warned once after loading in & you can rejoin to select a valid car.
- Leave room for faster cars. Chances are good that the car overtaking you is on a hot lap, but...
- Pass safely as it is still your responsibility to avoid a crash.
- Show your intentions clearly. React early and predictably.
- Flash your lights when trying to pass (if you have them) to let other drivers know of your intentions. You can also flash when yielding.
- Consider the track like a German public road. Yield on the right side & pass on the left side.
- Ask other drivers if they want to race or cruise with you before tailgating them.
Monthly Endurance
- Multi-class racing is different from single-class racing. Learn the differences. Read & watch on it.
- These are fun but serious races. If you grow tired of the race, retire and leave. Rammers will be blacklisted from future events!
- No commitment required, but please sign up as "? Tentative" on discord until you are sure you will join.
But most of all, don't be a dick!
Is there a discord?
Yes! Check out the Touristenfahrten discord.
Why are you using the combined layout?
For safer racing and to host more drivers. The Nordschleife pits are small and thus the lobby fits less people in. Also the pit exit is short and the chance to crash into other drivers is high.
Why does the session crash from time to time?
The dedicated server is not 100% stable. After longer sessions it's likely that it will crash at some point. However in most cases it's an automatic restart after a failed host migration. The server should be back right away, so you can just rejoin. The server is also restarted automatically every day at 8 AM GMT/BST.
I can't see everyone on track. What can I do?
That's a very annoying bug SMS' attempt to fix the lags when a new player joins. Instead of a small lag, the new cars will simply not be loaded until you return to pits. If someone joined while you were on track, it may happen that you can't see their car. In most cases it's fixed after you return to the pits. If that doesn't work, ask them to return to the pits too.
How can I create races on Rent-A-Server?
By default, Rent-A-Server is a 10min Q/R server set to 14 drivers so any vehicle/track combo can be picked. You can modify session settings (sessions, length, weather, time, rules), however if you want to create you own session (classes, player & AI amount and strength), you should set -selectds in AMS2's launch parameters, so all you need to do is to create your lobby ingame with whatever settings you want and then apply the settings to the RAS server in the lobby list.
Are the Touristenfahrten Monthly Endurance and Rent-A-Server session results logged?
Yes, they are. Thanks to Simresults.net you can check the session results generated by the server for Touristenfahrten Monthly Endurance and Rent-A-Server sessions on a daily basis.
The game crashes to desktop if I try to connect! WTF?!
That's another really strange one. Go to the system settings in Automobilista 2 and disable UDP Telemetry Sharing or set it at its highest (9). This actually solves quite a few issues in multiplayer.
What's the formula behind the leaderboard score?
Sane worked out the formula, blame him!
Score = sum( score per lap time = ( ( 1 / player rank vehicle) ^ 1.5 * ( ( best lap time vehicle / player lap time vehicle) ^ ( relative distance to best lap time vehicle / 0.02 ) ^ 3 ) * ( best overall lap time / best lap time vehicle) ^ 0.5 ) * 1000 )
Click here for an illustration.

TSA Racing
Just racing with irregular regularity Let see what happens.

We are a small community that wants to keep races as simple as possible .We are a small community that wants to keep races as simple as possible.

Simracing enthousiast, who likes setting up races and streaming them on Twitch.I am a Twitch streamer, who likes to do races with his viewers.
i try to run several servers for several sims, i like to mix it up a bit whenever i can!

u feel like ugly? ugly enough? Then join :0) Yes- but its true: your uglyness is being beatyful with us.

Updf Motorsport ITA
Ita Fun raceFun race

My Community My first community on justrace


View all Events
Not sure which community to race with? Here you can browse all events from all communities in one place.Welcome to JustRace!
The main portal is the place to go if you are not sure which community you want to race with. From here you can browse all available events from any community using the JustRace system.
Official Website
- https://www.justrace.net
For general chat or JustRace support you can use Discord or our Forum: - https://discord.gg/Ng7Ysep

Virtual Sim Sport
Spanish simracing community where you can have good times and good races in the company of fast and clean drivers. Comunidad de simracing española en la que podrás pasar buenos momentos y buenas carreras en compañía de de pilotos rápidos y limpios.Spanish simracing community where you can have a good time in the different simulators that we have at your disposal such as Assetto corsa, Competizione, Raceroom, dirt rally 2, Automobilista 2 and soon Rfactor2.
We are looking for pilots who want to join to spend a pleasant time around this exciting world that unites us, go ahead and participate.
Comunidad de simracing española en la que podrás pasar buenos momentos en los distintos simuladores que tenemos a tu disposición como Assetto corsa, Competizione, Raceroom, dirt rally 2, Automobilista 2 y próximamente Rfactor2.
Buscamos pilotos que se quieran unir para pasar un rato agradable en torno a éste apasionante mundo que nos une, anímate y participa.

Waving the Meatball
Meatball Racing - casual racing A small group of racers.

Wednesday Night Crew
For the guys who play on a Wednesday Night You know who you are...

Weeknight Racing
Weeknight Racing is a small community racing Wednesday nights in the North America time zones. Weeknight Racing is a small community racing Wednesday nights in the North America time zones. We started racing together regularly just over two years ago, running championships almost exclusively in AMS2.

Whiffy Bois
A bunch of bois who aren't very good at racing. The same as the short description but longer.

WNBP Performance

Wolf Pack Racing
Seeks to offer competitive & casual racing that’s fun & commitment free. We take racing seriously & help drivers improve their awareness & racecraft and we review incidents so we can have clean racing.The Wolf Pack seeks to offer competitive & casual racing that’s fun and commitment free. But make no mistake; casual doesn't mean we don't take our racing seriously. We enforce using tools to improve your awareness, we review incidents and guide members on how to improve their racecraft so that we can all race as closely as possible.
We propose:
- Casual events in Euro Truck Simulator 2, AMS2 and iRacing
- Open Championship in RaceRoom, ACC, iRacing and a Dirt 2.0 Rally Championship
- Please join our Wolf Pack Racing Discord with over 600+ racers to signup and join races within the community.


WromWrom is the channel sharing the JOY of Simracing. Now on JustRace, RACING the joy of Simracinghttps://www.youtube.com/wromwrom
WromWrom is the channel sharing the JOY of Simracing.
Now on JustRace, RACING the joy of Simracing

XTRE-SIMRACING Comunidad dedicada al simracing con los simuladores: Automobilista 2 rFactor 2 y ACXTRE-SIMRACING rFactor2 XTRE-SIMRACING Automobilista 2
@xtresimracing @xtreams2
Eventos de carrera en rfactor2 Eventos de carrera en AMS2
Youtube:https://bit.ly/31Uksbh Telegram
Telegram: https://t.me/xtresimracing https://t.me/xtreams2
Discord: https://discord.gg/7S9C995
Extremadura, España

Yellowstone Grand Prix
Sim Racing Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho Sim Racing Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho

Zero Delta Racing
Sim Racing Community Casual / Competitive Sim Racing Leagues for those racing in timezones of the Americas. Wide variety of skill levels on track and all skill levels welcome! Discord: https://discord.gg/W6eGdnq

zzz ignore abecede test
Ignore this. Will go away soon...Hey there, this is just for personal testing. Will be deleted soon.
Supported Games
Assetto Corsa (AC)
Assetto Corsa Competizione (ACC)
Automobilista (AMS1)
Automobilista 2 (AMS2)
RaceRoom Racing Experiance (R3E)
rFactor 2 (RF2)
What We Offer
Championship Manager
JustRace offers a championship manager. Once a championship is created, you can then create race schedules linked to this championship. Results are automatically assigned and points calculated.
Server Manager
JustRace offers a server manager which can installed on multiple servers to manage AC, ACC, AMS1, AMS2, R3E and RF2. Dedicated servers will automatically start and stop according to the planned schedule and results are automatically uploaded and processed.
Event Scheduling
Admins can create schedules for one off or repeated events. These can be part of a championship or stand-alone. Drivers can then view all upcoming events and also register to any of them. Events can be locked down with various options.
Results and Stats
Results are auto uploaded by JustRace Server Manager and viewable on the portal. Various statistics are created and one can view all session data and compare the lap times or even check for world records! Results linked to a championship are also automatically scored.
Ratings and Safety
JustRace has it's own Ratings and Safety engine. With each uploaded result they are automatically calculated and users can view their progress or search for other users to compare their data. Ratings and safety can also used to lock down events for specified levels.
Community Management
Admins can create a community and manage all events linked to this community. A community can get their own sub-domain and the portal offers filtering by community for ease of use. Discord can also be linked to a community to lock down registrations.